Invite Wendy

Invite wendy k. walters
to speak at your event

Invite Wendy

invite wendy k. walters to speak at your event

You are Seen, Heard, and Valued

Wendy is a seventh-generation minister. With a hunger for God and His Word, she is a deep well of wisdom. A passionate presenter, Wendy cuts through confusion with such clarity and infectious energy that listeners are inspired and filled with hope. Her prophetic insight seeds the atmosphere, and as unity and expectation rise, she allows room for the power and presence of God to manifest. 

Wendy is an activator with infectious energy. Her humor, wit, and wisdom, provokes people to embrace the process for transformation. Her candor and authenticity are refreshing and allow her to point people confidently and unapologetically toward their destiny. 

She is a motivational speaker, personal mentor, and master coach. As a branding and publishing expert, she has launched many authors and businesses. Family is everything to her, and she and her husband, Todd, have been happily married for 32 years. They reside in Corinth, Texas, where they love hosting big family dinners with their children: Katwe and Kenny Lange, Emily and Rhett Houston, and Joshua Walters. 

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